Mi Amigo Hugo (2014 TV Movie)
El Diablo
9 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another awful piece of crap from the mind of Oliver Stone. A praise ode to one of the worst dictators of all time. Right up there with Mao, Stalin, and the Castro brothers. But then again, Oliver Stone never met a murdering dictator he did not like. It is only the peaceful Americans he hates. This piece of crap is 50 minutes of selected toadies praising El Diablo. I mean, they have to, they live in Venezuela, they have no choice. When, early in the 21st century a petition was circulated and signed demanding the removal of Chavez, Chavez had the names of all the petition signers published in the state run newspapers so everyone would know who to blacklist. All of the signers were barred from any government job. Then there are Chavez's policies. His communist government policies have taken the government of Venezuela to the point it is today. No money, no jobs, no food, babies dying daily. Makes you wonder when Oliver Stone is going to make another film saying he is sorry for this steaming pile of horse manure.
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