Devil's Knot (2013)
Ponderous exploration of a true story
16 September 2016
DEVIL'S KNOT is the film version of a true story about three boys who were brutally murdered in Arkansas in 1993. A public outcry and witch hunt followed, at which point three outcast teenagers were herded up and sent to court accused of the crime. In the subsequent years, many people have come to believe that the teenagers were innocent, and DEVIL'S KNOT explores some of the complexity of the case.

Sadly it's a bit of a disappointing film. It's well shot throughout but that's all you get. The film seems overly distracted by the presence of Hollywood starlet Reese Witherspoon playing the mother of one of the victims. For a relatively minor character in the story she gets way too much screen time and spoils what could have otherwise been an enthralling viewing experience. I was much more interested in the characters of the accused but they seem skirted over in some ways.

Another detraction is Colin Firth as the mild-mannered crime investigator. Firth is too occupied with trying to do an American accent than with properly acting and his subdued turn makes no impact. When the film finished I was just left wanting to know more about the case than in this somewhat sketchy version - perhaps to watch one of the documentaries which I'm sure exist about it. DEVIL'S KNOT is no MISSISSIPPI BURNING, that's for sure.
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