Balloon Land (1935)
Pins Are A Balloon's Worst Enemies.
19 September 2016
This truly is one of the greatest cartoons of not only the golden age, but also of all time. All is well in a place where everything is a live balloon. That is, until the denizens' abode is invaded by the Pincushion Man. While the other characters are good, it's the aforementioned villain who really steals the show. Both he and the pins are balloons' natural enemies, and lethal enough to destroy the delicate, rubbery material of which they're made. Musically, Carl Stalling's work is fine as usual, it's an extra special treat with the addition of the uncredited novelty ragtime artist Zez Confrey's contribution to it. As one of the few Ub Iwerks cartoons not based on a fable or fairy tale, it's nice to see this attempt at something more original and it's one of the most imaginative ever conceived, and created. I can see why it's so beloved and was a contender/nominee for the 50 Greatest Cartoons Of All Time book. I'd like to think that after defeating and getting rid of the Pincushion Man, pins would hopefully be banished and outlawed for good. Recommended.
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