Pure eye candy...
24 September 2016
I have always enjoyed the "Final Fantasy" CGI animated movies, especially because they are so amazingly nicely made. And "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV" doesn't shy away from the traditional style, it actually enhances it.

Storywise, then I will say that "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV" was a bit of a scrambled mess. It was as if director Takeshi Nozue set out to want to accomplish more than he could muster to deliver. With that being said, I am not saying that this is a bad movie, not at all. It just had certain parts to it which didn't really make much sense, or things that seemed were just crammed into the movie for the sake of being there.

As with the previous "Final Fantasy" movies, then I am simply astounded by the sheer level of details that they manage to show in the movie. There are so many great details and the textures of the CGI is just unfathomably impressive.

For me, this was a movie driven by the CGI and the animation, because it was pure eye candy from start to end. And I sincerely hope that we get to see more movies with this level of CGI animation in the future. I didn't really care much for the story, given its inability to really captivate me. As I didn't really care much for the story, then it was the action and the animation that became the driving force of the movie for me. And it worked quite nicely, and the movie didn't really become a slow-paced drag at any time.

As for the voice acting, well they did have a good ensemble of actors and actresses adding voices to the various animated characters. And people were doing good jobs, which was essential to the overall enjoyment of "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV".

"Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV" is a well-worthy addition to the "Final Fantasy" franchise and it is definitely worth a place right next to the other movies set in the same universe.
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