Parasyte: The Maxim (2014–2015)
Brilliant Philosophical-Thriller
1 October 2016
There are many reasons why this is my favourite anime of all time..

The Character Development. I am always a fan of proper character development and this show is very rich in that. Some changing quickly others more slowly and some not at all but regardless if that is something you enjoy this show does it very well. The main character in particular undergoes extremely rapid change and affects how he relates to others and himself. His struggle, their struggle.. It's Heavy. I would love to talk about this in detail but to me its the most essential element of the show and I dare not spoil it.

The Philosophy, as a result of the rich character development, many characters find themselves pondering the situation they are in, who they are and what things mean. And I really empathized with many characters, especially once some of them have undergone some change. I am a sucker for quality philosophy. On that note it also deals a good amount with psychology.

The horror. Okay so this show isn't terrifying, and that is very much due to the way it was animated. If the anime style was darker (which I wish it was) this show would probably given me nightmares. Still there are some scenes where it is very easy to tap into what some of the characters are feeling, and it is pure dread. There is a good dash of lightness to the show at the same time.. And there has to be otherwise this show would just be so dark.

The heartbreak. I cried several times throughout this series.

The action. The action is the main of the show but there a good deal of it and it is done well for different reasons. From intense moments of power and gore to tactical contemplation in the heat of battle.

And finally the soundtrack to this show compliments it so well. During intense moments they play this hybrid dub-step in a horror setting.. my first time through this show it threw me to the edge of my seat. The opening theme is also epic.

I wouldn't consider this a show for everyone, but if you are one of those who it appeals to then congratulations! You are in for a treat.
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