Blair Witch (2016)
The black guy dies first
8 October 2016
I honestly had high hopes when i saw the trailer, I'm a Big fan of the original... But deep down i know this was going to stink, this Is the same director of Your Next and The guest two movie id review in the past but its the same guy that did great shorts in the V/H/S trilogy so to me it could be a hit and miss.

Heather's twenty something brother is out on this quest to find his mid-40s sister in the woods, his sources of moral support Uninteresting one-dimensional friends with no distinguishable characteristics.

Could have been good if they would stop moving the goddamn camera long enough that I could understand what the hell is happening. Not only is it annoying but it's also nauseating and confusing. I get what they are trying to do but No one was able to see whats happening. Is it so that they don't need to spend as much on effects? Just shake the camera around and save some money? The whole found footage genre is so old and tired now it just doesn't work and this movie is Unmemorable with irritating characters, illogical plot, weird situations, ineffective psychological horror that relied mainly on jump scares and unwanted answers to the original movie.

Sadly this was bad i mean really BAD, basically they are trying to capture the original as a copy paste and you can understand the Blair witch project was a product of its time. As it it was done in 2016 it would be just mediocre. This sequel wants you to know how good the original was and how they definitely cant top it as its a jump scare fest and a shaky cam sequence that's so over done. By the last 45 mind your asking if its gonna end soon or i rather be seeing the original.

Its just dull with no good ideas in it...they use a drone that well gets pretty useless, i honestly cant recommend this to no one i yawn a lot watching this, if you do watch it you either are a hardcore fan that will get his high hopes crushed as soon as they get in the woods, the Blair witch deserves better than this.

P.S. The original takes place in 1994 and DV tapes didn't exist.
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