Entertaining but historically false and a bit cringy
14 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie with high expectations.I found the original film a true masterpiece and being a fan of history and an admirer of Greece,this felt very wrong.

If you don't know your history and only looking for some good action,you won't be disappointed.There are numerous battles,tons of blood and beautiful battle chorographies.A total brute bath!

The problem is,that in comparison to the first one,it's lacking.Many historical facts were either false,changed or completely absent.Hollywoods presence was very intense.Heroes with perfect hair looking a bit....not manly at all,warriors with eyeliners,red clothes for the Atheneans.All these stuff,for someone who knows what to expect,were very disappointing.And to be honest I am tired of movies and directors disrespecting history in order to sell some tickets.How many faulty Greek movies must we suffer?I mean,the guys have history and mythology enough(and maybe the greatest on this Earth)to produce movies of top level,with many chances of high quality visual effects usage,until the end of time.Why not stick to that and make something brutal yet glorious? Something visually attractive,but mind appealing as well?Their stories need no change and additions.By doing that you only manage to spoil the goods,make unnecessary complications that end up only creating plot holes,lack of continuity and confusion.

Besides that,many elements were unfitting.A very hollywoodish sex scene,many Eva Green and queen Gorgo wanna be epic moments that resulted in a lot of cringing..It was distasteful.And the sheer fact that the whole story enveloped around Gorgo and her pain of loss was a bit idiotic to say the least.We are talking about brutal times,with highly patriarchic societies.Women were respected in ancient Sparta a lot,that is true,but no way in Hades would you ever see a woman being the main face/voice in a war,let alone lead or participate in one.I get it,you have your tickets to sale.But by ruining such a marvelous first installment,with out of time feministic crap in order to appeal more to the female population,you only manage to let down your fans.Not because we are enemies of women or feminism nor because it is our personal preference,but because those choices and ideas are completely irrelevant to the story.Personally,I won't be coming back to see the next rumored film.I hope we will not get to suffer another Greek based movie massacre like Troy(Brad Pitt),Alexander(Colin Farrel),Hercules(Dwayne Jonhson),Immortals,Rath of the Titans etc.All those Hollywood nonsense diminish the value of ideals and characters behind those stories.Hopefully they will understand it one day.

If I were able to rate it only as an action movie,I would probably give it a 6.5 out of 10.Now,with me being lenient,I am giving it a very generous 5/10.
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