Little-known volcano movie is worth a look
19 October 2016
THE DEVIL AT 4 O'CLOCK is a disaster film about inhabitants of a remote Caribbean island struggling to escape from the volcano which has begun to erupt on the island. Although I'm a fan of the disaster film genre, I'd never heard of this film before watching, so perhaps it sank without trace. In any case it's a solid enough piece of entertainment with much in common with the likes of KRAKATOA - EAST OF JAVA and WHEN TIME RAN OUT.

One of the most interesting things about DEVIL is the cast. Frank Sinatra headlines as another likable rogue of the kind he did so well. Old-timer Spencer Tracy is a delight as the hard-headed priest who essentially runs the island while the French bores in charge look on. Sinbad star Kerwin Mathews is here too as the young priest sent to replace a retiring Tracy. The supporting cast includes Barbara Luna, a truly exotic-looking beauty, and Bernie Hamilton as one of Sinatra's fellow cons. Hamilton would later go on to TV stardom in STARSKY & HUTCH.

I think it's fair to say that THE DEVIL AT 4 O'CLOCK is a dated film and the special effects haven't held up particularly well, the back projection being a stand out. The first hour is a little slow too. However, once the disaster scenario kicks in, it becomes exciting and often gripping entertainment, and the ending is unexpectedly emotional. Solid Hollywood entertainment, in other words.
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