The Atheist Delusion (2016 Video)
Typical Ray Comfort nonsense!
24 October 2016
I wonder if he knows the meaning of tautology: repeating the same concept or assertion using different phrasing or terminology, so that the proposition as stated is logically irrefutable, while obscuring the lack of evidence or valid reasoning supporting the stated conclusion.

His assertion that "complexity requires a designer" is a basic fallacious argument. The fact that DNA is the "code book" of life does not imply intent or design. Each step in evolution is an imperceptible change; countless minuscule changes over billions of years add up to the vast range of living things that we know today. Simply saying "God did it" is childish ignorance.

Mr Comfort is an articulate speaker and no doubt impresses the young people be interviews, while putting them under pressure to respond without the time to reflect. I suspect there were others who were not so beguiled. He's in the privileged position of being able to select the clips to include in his film. That's called cherry picking.

He should try reading books other than his favourite collection of myths and legends.

A complete waste of time.
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