Exhibit A (2007)
Nauseatingly tedious and extremely predictable
2 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of found footage movies but this isn't one of them. I found it to be tedious, so much so that I found the shaky camera thing that is the deal with this movies to be as incredibly irritating as the actors themselves, specifically the father.

While I realize that this genre involves the use of hand held cameras in a pseudo documentary style, there is often little rational as to why the actors would feel the need to document what they do. Specifically in this case. Why would the daughter and then the father feel the need to document the disintegration of their lives? Just not at all plausible to me.

I guess some like it but again it was a tedious bore for me and like my title says, I saw the end coming much too soon to make the film even remotely interesting.
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