See No Evil 2 (2014)
Great Idea, Bad Execution (See what I did there?)
27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie I do believe is a sad sequel. There are so many painfully obvious horror movie clichés, main example being the overly horny couple who decide to have sex in a morgue, that's right a bloody morgue. What kind of twisted individual is like " hey babe lets have a quickie right here next to this dead serial killer". And knowing that this is indeed a horror movie you automatically know what is going to happen next, and indeed what you expected does happen. The movie as a whole has many flaws but the one that I just cant accept is how in the movie during the opening thirty minutes Kane(Jacob Goodnight) has a bandage over his left eye where he was stabbed or is it pipped?, in the first movie. at exactly 31 minutes and 32 seconds into the movie he proceeds to remove the bandage from his RIGHT EYE, to reveal a gruesome wound. ANd then after this the bandage is back on his left eye. Well at least they tried. Oh and is Kane now like Jacob Vorhees or something? This guy survives a gunshot to the head, falls like 4 stories and gets piped such that there is now a giant hole in his head and he gets up like nothing has happened. TF man, TF...
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