The Vulture (1966)
Vulture?! More like a turkey!
29 November 2016
While "The Vulture" looks like the actors are trying hard to make it realistic, the plot is so utterly absurd that you can't possibly take the movie seriously!

The film begins with a woman supposedly seeing a half-man, half-bird creature pop out of a grave! Many, many, many years ago, the guy in the grave vowed vengeance on the family of the folks who did him wrong and it appears as if maybe this is why the giant bird-thingie has appeared. However, folks don't take this very seriously until the creature (actually all you see are giant talons) swoop down and carry off a guy. It' supposed to be scary...I thought it was hilarious instead! Dr. Lutens (Robert Hutton) thinks there's a rational and scientific answer to all this. So, what's next? See the film...or not!

This film not only is dumb but rather dull. It will make you laugh now and again but not often enough to make it a bad film buff pic...and certainly no one else would want to see it! It could have used more scenes with the ridiculous bird thingie!!

By the way, how were the filmmakers able to get Broderick Crawford (an Oscar winner) AND Akim Tamiroff (nominated for two Oscars) for this dreadful picture? I can only assume they were holding their family members hostage....that's all that would explain their taking parts in an obvious turkey!
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