How could this shameless guy still try to cash in?
4 December 2016
Jesus, even I don't believe in those God crap, I have to use this 'Jesus' word to show you how pathetic this guy and how bad his show is. This is perhaps the most boring crap that ever a guy who calls himself as a stand-up comedian and tries to fool people to go to his show, listen to his meaningless whining voice and waste precious time and money for his hollow blah, blah and blah. I watched this boring show and watched the audience trying so hard to make their money worth, their laughter were just so awkward, contrite, unnatural, hesitant, and so pretentious. They were trying so hard to pick some lousy moments to show some laughter for something this guy said, but those laughter just felt so dutifully clichéd. The topics this guy chose to deliver on the stage were just pointlessly hollow and uninteresting. I just saw a loser, almost like the typical white trash, kept whining away pointless, overly used old crap. This guy is an insult to those really good comedians who could use cynical jokes to deliver the truth of life. This guy? NOTHING! I just pity this guys' audiences, sitting in the theater, trying so hard to give some polite and lukewarm laughter. I just felt so embarrassed for these people, paying money to listen his crap.
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