A Royal Christmas (2014 TV Movie)
A charming comedy-romance in a Christmas movie
8 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"A Royal Christmas" is a very good movie that works as a very good Christmas film as well. That's because it also is a comedy-romance, and one with a different twist. Many a film has been made in which the commoner American (usually) makes all sorts of mistakes and wreaks havoc in and on a royal household. Instead, this film has an American commoner who rises to the occasion and foils the witty attempts of the royal head of household. Thus, "A Royal Christmas" is much more than another tale of princess meets prince charming.

The film has a very good cast that bring the comedy off just right. The love interests are Emily Taylor (played by Lacey Chabert) and Leo James (aka, Prince Leopold, played by Stephen Hagan). Emily comes close to being too sugary at times, but fortunately, the timing in the screenplay creates switches at the appropriate moments to contain the syrup. Leo, on the other hand, starts a little cool in the first scenes, but then seems to get into his role with conviviality. There's a handful of supporting cast with smaller roles who do a lot to give life to the plot. But two other major leads stand out and guide the film to its successful finish.

Jane Seymour is sparking as Isador, Queen of Cordinia, and Leo's mother. She has a match planned for him in childhood friend and sweetheart, Natasha, Duchess of Warren (played very well by Katherine Flynn). And, she loathes the thought of Leo marrying Emily, a commoner. Her conniving to make it all unbearable for Emily mostly backfires when Emily makes friends with the royal household staff, and takes a quick day-long lesson in royal behavior from Victor, the chief butler. Simon Dutton plays Victor wonderfully. He's the one staff person who isn't intimidated by the queen, while always maintaining his proper place (of course).

Naturally, there's a happy ending in this film. There are more details and some small subplots within that add nice touches and enhance it as a Christmas movie. While it isn't loaded with laughter, the many foiled plots and scenarios just bring smiles and chuckles. As a chick flick, this would probably be rated tops. As a very good comedy-romance and Christmas film, it rates eight stars from me. It's a very entertaining movie that the whole family should enjoy.
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