Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004 Video Game)
A game worth the money, no question.
15 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the games in the Silent Hill franchise which has fans split. It's true that Team Silent, during the development of this game, was also in the process of making Silent Hill 3. This, however, is not apparent in this game, as the mechanics from the previous titles are changed quite a bit. While some may read this and freak out, the changes have done the opposite of break the game. In fact, it makes it a bit easier.

The game itself starts off as a fairly straightforward tale of a man, named Henry Townshend, being trapped in his apartment, number 302. After a series of nightmares, he finds that his door has been chained closed from the inside, and that no one is able to communicate to him, or even remotely hear him. With no warning, a hole is opened up in his bathroom, and seeing as it is the only possibility to escape, he crawls in, starting off one of the best video game stories, and one of the best in the franchise.

The game turns into your average Silent Hill game at this point, with combat being more up front than usual. There are parts though, where you enter a series of holes in parts of the levels, which can take you back to your room to manage your inventory (Yes, manage an inventory), check for notes, and peer in on the outside world.

7 characters are met in this game, 4 of which die in their respective levels (Only a few are shown). Your neighbor, named Eileen Galvin, is one of the people who you manage to save.

The game at this point turns into something entirely different. An escort mission. Fun. Luckily, Eileen can never die in this game, but she can get "Possessed." Controlling the level of possession on Eileen is a factor on what ending you get.

Another character is the main antagonist, named Walter Sullivan, who was mentioned in SH2 in a newspaper. He is attempting to preform something called the "21 sacraments." This part of the story is too awesome to spoil.

Overall, the game has some flaws, which for me, was limited to the awkward 3D controls, and the 10 item inventory limit.

But Jesus, the scares make up for it. The monsters in this game, although not as cleverly designed as in SH2, are 100% terrifying, the most famous being the Twin Victims.

So, to all Survival Horror fans out there who have not experienced this game, I urge you to do so. It is a masterpiece in it's own ways, and will not disappoint.
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