Review of Paycheck

Paycheck (2003)
An Absurd Story-Line
16 December 2016
Michael Jennings (Ben Afleck) is well-groomed and wears exquisitely knotted ties and tailored suits. He is a self-employed contractor who accomplishes tech jobs for participating companies; that is, reverse-engineering new computer breakthroughs. He improves the computer products originally developed by others. If one thinks about it, his work is borderline ethical at best. He is very well compensated for his work, and when his contract is over his short-term memory of the work is erased so that he cannot reveal secrets. The job may be risky but it pays well. His largest contract has been for two months, but now his old square-jawed friend, James Rethrick (Aaron Eckhart) of Allcon offers him a job that will last three years and pay tens of millions of dollars. It involves a system that will change the world by predicting future events. Wow!

Jennings agrees and when he awakens he soon discovers that not only is he NOT getting compensated, but that the FBI is on his trail. The FBI is involved because the program that Jennings improved upon was originally designed by a former FBI scientist whose project was terminated. He has been set up by his pal Rethrick, and all he has is a manila envelope with 20 personal items. They include a passkey, a ring, a silver coin, watch, sun glasses, cigarette lighter, a matchbook, bus pass, a partially-completed crossword puzzle, and others. Jennings needs these articles as they are clues to assist him in his personal mission; he has to determine when to employ each to save him from predicaments. Jennings is immediately on the lam, accompanied by sexy Rachel porter (Uma Thurman). He cannot fully remember her as their relationship occurred during the three years that coincided within the same period of his memory removal. Helping out for a very short screen presence is his assistant, Shorty (Paul Giamatti), who is in charge of memory erasure.

We find out through convoluted reasoning there is a danger of World War III. The theme is weak while most characters are ill-developed. Screenplay is sub-par. You as the viewer know this is true when a director tries to pad his plot holes and weak story-line with absurd choreography, very long high-speed chases, explosions, constant and annoying screen flashes, and quick editing (don't blink). Riding a motorcycle (with a passenger!) he can outrace and outmaneuver hardened armed men in cars who are shooting at him. Then Dillon, a computer nerd and up to now not a he-man, suddenly morphs into a superhero to save the world from nuclear destruction and takes on . . . and defeats . . . a series of trained and tough security men! Then the last one, the top honcho, snickers with his handgun, figuring he finally has Jennings. Hey, buddy, you just lost your entire gang. Oh, never mind, you'll get yours anyway!

Dillon's 21st century movie choices have mostly been less than favorable, and this one proves it. Here the man tries hard enough, but still cannot save the show.
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