Mafia III (2016 Video Game)
A really solid 1960's playground with a dark and provocative undertone.
3 January 2017
If like me, you're into old timey/retro cars, fashion and music. Then this game will be an all you can eat buffet for you.

Mafia III drops you in the middle of the late 1960's, everywhere you look you'll see a really inspired and accurate recreation of the time period. But things are not as pretty as they seem.

After the exciting intro, the story takes a fast and surprisingly dark turn. Leaving you as a player with a strong motivation to complete your characters daunting mission.

You play as Lincoln Clay, a dark-skinned Vietnam veteran who's just returned from battle. You'll discover with him that the world you've come back to could very well be worse than that of the battlefield. Crime, Racism, Crooked cops and Sinister politicians infect the streets of your hometown.

Right off the bat, the game does it's very best to remind you constantly that these are not happy times. The story is formatted like a dark Netflix crime drama, missions are broken up by cut-scenes of interviews about the events that take place in the story.

Exciting blocks of fast paced action are very neatly divided by these intriguing interviews, but you're not limited to the story. Mafia 3 permits you to travel around it's exciting open world at your will. And with the incredible choice of classic songs at your disposal, cruising around the city is a genuine joy that you'll want to experience as a gamer. You may very well be reminded of L.A Noire.

But this is where there's a couple points of complaint, despite the fantastic racing mini game. And incredible (But not overwhelming) collectibles, You might quickly discover how there isn't much for you to take part in, but this absolutely does not ruin the game, let me convince you why!

Firstly, the objectives in the game are very open ended. You're never limited as a player, you're instead given many different ways to conquer a mission. Do you prefer stealth? Guns blazing? Being a sniper? Drive by shooting? Your objectives are never closed areas, You can approach or escape any mission whenever you fancy. Need to escape and stock up on ammo? That's fine!

Secondly, the game world sometimes feels alive. You can enter bars or night clubs that are always bustling with life inside. But because of your skin color, you may find that you aren't welcome in most of the joints. It's little things like this that really differentiates Mafia 3 to other Free roam titles.

You may find that the police even present some racism, in a black neighborhood police are less interested, they arrive later and the dispatch call seems generally bored. Whereas if you cause trouble in a wealthy white neighborhood, the police will be all over you before you have a chance to say sorry.

And you best always be ready for a gunfight, a well placed shot (Even on easy mode) can do some serious damage. Sometimes even killing you instantly. Gunfights are brutal, you're forced to be light on your toes and dance around the battlefield. Always keeping an eye on enemy locations.

The characters are also surprisingly interesting, the story is missing any 'good guys' meaning you're likely to be conflicted at some points about who your friends and enemies should really be.

In conclusion, Mafia 3 is a really solid free roam title. The historical accuracy is a fantastic experience. And the dark story should intrigue you in a really satisfying way, don't believe all of the negative hate for this game. It's absolutely worth giving it a try for yourself.
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