A distinctly average spaghetti western
11 January 2017
KILLER CALIBER .32 is a somewhat average spaghetti western that features a dull lead and a done to death revenge plot that doesn't really go very far in holding the viewer's attention. I'll lay a lot of the blame for that at the door of director Alfonso Brescia, a guy never known for making classy cinema; a lot of his later films fall into the so-bad-they're-good category, but this one's plain ordinary.

The miscast Peter Lee Lawrence plays a gunslinger who goes after an evil gang, taking down the members one at a time. A lot of the running time is preoccupied with genre staples like good time girls, poker games, and bar-room brawls. The characterisation is virtually nil and the wooden Lawrence doesn't breathe any life into his character. There's not even much in the way of action, although that which does take place is acceptable enough; a pity that Brescia didn't make more effort as director.
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