Some snakes deserved to be skinned alive.
16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
For blackmailing playboy Robert Shayne, it's obvious that he was born to be a murder victim, conked on the noggin by a blunt object, and left to bleed to death. Marjorie Lord is his firmer partner in criminal activity, running into him as her husband (Pierre Watkin) plans to run for governor. Blackmail follows, and on the night of the election, Shayne is bumped off. His much abused girlfriend (Ruth Brady) is arrested as Lord becomes more paranoid...and more dangerous!

Pretty decent B film noir with a fine characterization by Marjorie Lord who is as far from her "Make Room for Daddy" role as the all American wife and mother. There's absolutely no mystery, and the possibility of last minute twists keeps a front burner in the viewers brain, especially when Lord ends up on the jury. It's an interesting little thriller that has enough twists and turns to be unique in spite of its obvious low budget.
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