Kaili Blues (2015)
The one where the viewer falls in love with the movie
20 January 2017
Back in 1989, as newborn baby Gan Bi was breathing in peaceful sleep, all nine Muses gathered around him, touched their pointers on his rising chest and in an exhale, blessed him with a seed of an idea.

The seed grew inside him. Alongside him. All around him.

And it kept growing. And growing. Until it took over, in height, in stature, in demand. Gan, much like The Little Prince and his rose, thought it his duty and honor to take care of his friend, to love and nurture it to full bloom. And when that time came, when the idea had blossomed to perfect ripeness, Gan dared to immortalize its beauty using the most encompassing medium to its fullest.

Colours, sound and echoing silence, shadows, poetry and violence, the rough and the velvety, time, love, devotion, laughter, hope and sorrow -- everything, all of it comes together like a Clotho-weaved veil of mystique, heavy with droplets of ambition that weigh it dangerously with ageless wrinkles without ever breaking its threads.

Can you tell I'm still engulfed in this feature's ever-folding, dreamscape palpitations?

In awe, this is the most human movie I have watched, possibly ever.

I am caged.

And here I want to stay.
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