As America languishes in this, "the Winter of our Discontent" . . .
23 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . it's hard to think of any worthwhile alternative to simply bellying up to a urinal as did Ian McKellen while delivering that line in 1995 as RICHARD III. Just think about it. Our deplorable Pretender is not even a Hunchback (despite preternaturally-small hands), and still we're under the tiny thumb of a self-confessed serial finger rapist, court-documented marital sexual assaulter, Buffoonish draft-dodger, obvious MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, infamous tax-dodger, unparalleled contract-breaker, pathological liar, braggart for barging into female changing rooms full of nude teenage bogus beauty pageant hopefuls, 8-time Emmy loser, five-time casino Bankrupter (which happens to be the World Record), notorious Racist, Misogynist, Xenophobe, and General Clown not considered sane by ANY impartial expert. Warner Bros.' always prophetic Animated Shorts Seers division (aka, the Looney Tuners) manages to endow the Dark Knight kidnapping Honey (and apparently having his way with her on his bed) with a spot-on prognostication of ALL these sorry attributes belonging to America's Game-Show-Host-in-Chief during the second half of BOSKO'S KNIGHT-MARE. Let's just hope another generation of Americans survives to enjoy this unheeded Warner Bros. warning cry!
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