Kinda liked it but needed a lot more to compete with the game's story
26 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was not expecting much from this movie because Hollywood tends to take things that are brilliant and cut them down for "everyone's size".While that was partially true in this movie as well,I was not completely disappointed.

It took the base of the game,did not add many of the things that made it the miracle it was,but instead added some things in order to become attractive for people not associated with the franchise at all.That is the main reason this film could have been a lot better.

For starters,the animus was a completely unnecessary change.The fact that they gave our protagonist his ancestor's blades for the simulation was a totally Hollywood aesthetic thing to do and it seemed silly.It would seem silly even if I had no idea about the what I was seeing.Since it is a simulation,even if he was wearing a superman costume,would make no difference.

Secondly,why did they have to speak Spanish?I do not understand why they had to deviate from the original story.I would love if we had seen some of the known characters.And to be frank,sure a lot of people would go to see this movie,but the main crew would be gamers and fans from the franchise and the games.So why not emphasize on things these people would appreciate?

Third,we did not see anything of the first civilization or the creed's origins,nothing about the brotherhood's formation,ariarchy or purpose.

Fourth,the apple of Eden was discovered so easily and while it contains so much power,during the display it seemed like a cheap gadget that produces blue light only capable of impressing children.

Five,during the fight inside the memories,when the assassin hold captive the priest and the black knight had his woman,why did he withdraw his blade from the priest's neck only to stab him in the leg a few seconds later,ensuring,that way,the death of his comrade? Made no sense.

Six,we had no explanation,of what I can recall,of what was happening in Spain during that time and they throw some Turkish prince in the way out of nowhere.How did his father come to possess the apple and after getting it,why did the assassin just gave it away like that?

Seven,why did Spain always seemed like a windy dessert from Africa?Everything gloomy and dusty.Didn't seem like Spain at all.

8,no decent soundtrack.And many scenes had totally unfitting soundtracks like the one in the beginning with the eagle.

9.We saw no one in abstergo experiencing any of the side effects of the animus,only some silent men and women with grey eyes.

10,I do not think they know when and what desynchronisation means and happens.

11,many scenes had no sense like the scene where his father died or when,towards the end,he was seen by the daughter,she did not reveal him while she knew what he(our protagonist)was obviously going for,but after he killed her father she was all surprised and sad and wanting revenge...Like,what did we just see there?Also,why during the last assassination did he not stab the abstergo master in the throat like he should,showing the signature assassination move and just slit his throat instead?It was a letdown....

12.The assassin's costumes were so inferior to the one's in the game.The colours and weapons could have been much better.

All in all it was a fun movie to watch,with nice battle choreographies and action scenes but very superficial compared to the game's story.It made me think that the director had not played or read any of the games/books.I really hope they fix things in the next movies and do some proper research because this story has the potential of becoming a magnificent one..Otherwise it will be another Hollywood fail that no one will ever talk about again, after it's done it's course in theaters.
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