The Godsend (1980)
Both parents are pretty dumb aren't they?
17 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This had to be one of the most infuriating films I have ever seen. The film never hides the fact what is going on and I have watched a lot of horror films, but even given that fact the parents in this film were downright stupid. They also displayed very little grief when they should have been the most dismayed parents in a film, ever! I know that the film was a novel and thanks to some digging I learned some things about the strange woman and her offspring that did shed some light on things. Just seems this film should of had more too it, but they kind of just lessened the load or something. It was not all bad, as it had a quite a few deaths in it and it moves along quite briskly, at least until the film shifts from the country home to the city apartment. It got a bit slow and then it got annoying and then it ended and I was just left thinking that there had to be more to what was going on than what was depicted in the film.

The story has a couple who have four children going about their day, when the mother apparently runs into a very creepy strange pregnant woman who the mother feels compelled to bring home with her. Thus, the mother does the first stupid thing in a film where she is one of the most mentally challenged characters in a horror film! Well, the strange creepy woman makes a few vague and sinister remarks and has her child before ditching in the morning. Well, the mother immediately wants to adopt the child because she really needs another child seeing as how she has three older children and an infant child to boot! Well soon after the infant son who was left alone with cute little Bonnie the newborn who has already sprouted blond hair is dead! A few years pass, and one of their older sons is dead! The other son is terrified of the kid, but the parents believe Bonnie before their own offspring! Soon, the father begins to suspect something, but by the time it begins to click for him, it is pretty much too late.

The ending to this one was a bit baffling as cute little Bonnie pushes the last remaining child out a window and to her death in front of the father, who already knew she was an evil little kid and the mother who still had doubts. Well, the father in a fit of rage wants to kill the child, but is stopped and the mother takes Bonnie's side, because her dead eyes, evil look and obviously deadly ways is just too much for a mom to resist. I just felt that this was a bit odd, as I just felt there should be more to it and that the ending was week. Turns out it was completely different from the book which has the father trying to get the kid, but the kid literally overpowers him! The husband and wife did not split up and Bonnie is taken away. She later turns up on their doorstep! There is also an explanation for the strange pregnant woman that is very bizarre, and I kind of can see why they did not go the route for a movie made in 1980.

So, I thought the film had some moments and it was a nice distraction for a little bit. However, it was also extremely annoying because that mother was so idiotic! What kind of mother latches on to a kid that is not even hers and puts said child over her own offspring? Seriously, I can see a mother liking an adopted child about the same, but the extent she latched onto Bonnie was insane. She literally got over the death of their infant son in no time, the second child also was gotten over rather quickly. I realize I watch a lot of horror films, but after the second child I would have been leery of Bonnie, heck, I never would have kept the child in the first place with my knowledge of horror films and the strange way that creepy woman was going on.
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