Ghazi Attack - a very watchable first-of-its-kind Indian Sea War movie!
18 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ghazi Attack is India's first underwater war movie based on a real encounter between warships of India and Pakistan during the war in 1971. But in the movie ships have been replaced with submarines, from both sides.

But the movie is totally fictional which just uses that encounter as an "excuse". Even the ending does not match with what may've actually happened to the Pakistani warship (a possible explanation is given after the End of the film) .

The Ghazi Attack is a simple but very watchable thrilling war movie.

MERITS of Ghazi Attack

1 - No melodrama. No meaningless songs. No unnecessary sub-plots. No Dialoguebazi.

It is a movie that sticks to the main point from start-to-finish.

This has to be stated explicitly - what with all the "bad habits" that Indian films are historically (in)famous for.

2 - The background music is thrilling and matches the foreground (or underground) activities.

3 - Visual effects are great! The Submarine scenes (below the sea and on the surface) are very realistic.

4 - Every film story thrives on some "relational conflict" or the other. The one between Rana Dagubatti (a law-abiding officer) and KK Menon (a rebellious captain who wants to do things his own way) creates the right tension in a sensitive war environment, that too well below the sea.

5 - The Pakistani Torpedo attacks on the Indian submarine is thrilling to watch! Edge-of-the-seat entertainment!

But I've NO interest in revealing the results of these attacks. Just go and see it for yourself.

6 - The official/technical dialogues between the crew members in the submarine sounds very realistic. And that is how it should be - not some airy-fairy self-created dialogues.

7 - The disaster that struck the inside of the Indian submarine, when it went too deep in the sea, is well-shot and looks realistic.

8 - Sankalp Reddy, in only his first Hindi film as a director has done a commendable job.

The DEMERITS of Ghazi Attack

1 - Tapasee Paanu's role is that of a mere "extra". She has nothing to do except utter a few lines, dress injured crew members and remain inside the submarine cabin with a child, after being rescued at sea.

That's it! 2 - The BLAST that followed the Pakistani torpedo attack on a Indian passenger ship did not look realistic at all. It looked very "video gameish"!
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