Well, not all THAT hot! Not very hot at all actually.
23 February 2017
"Playgirl After Dark" (also known as "Too Hot to Handle") is a movie that sure hints at healthy helpings of skin. However, if that's what you really want, you could sure find better flicks than this one. Despite the titles and despite the movie being set in a strip club, the strippers really just dance around in very little...but show no more than ladies do today at the beach. So, while you get to see the sizzling Jayne Mansfield in this one, she's rather chaste and sings a few forgettable songs.

In this den of iniquity(?) there are some minor stories. One involves a French reporter hanging about in order to get a story. But Karlheinz Böhm ("Peeping Tom" and the Sissi movies) is a German- Austrian....so why say he was French? He sounded about as French as Mantan Moreland! There's also a story involving some shakedown artist trying to extort money out of the guy who runs the place, Johnny (Leo Genn)...and Johnny's attempts to catch the guy. But mostly, it's just ladies gyrating and singing!

So is it any good? Well, no especially. It does give you a chance to see Mansfield as her career is beginning to tank. Her good films were behind her and ahead would be crap like Italian strong man movies and sex comedies ("The Loves of Hercules" and "Promises Promises") as well as one of the worst films of the 1960s, "The Fat Spy". But considering that the film doesn't give her a lot to do but sing (NOT one of her strong points), it's actually a bit of a disappointment. Overall, a somewhat dull film which should have been spicier and more interesting than it was.
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