A revealing perspective
28 February 2017
At the moment we get our information about vaccination from our doctors and from the pharmaceutical industry. Both the 'medical model' and the 'corporate view' hold most sway in the way this story is presented in the media.

Vaxxed makes this point early on in the documentary with endless shots of a shock/horror story about measles running rampant across the USA. It builds to a revelation of something over 600 cases ... out of the whole USA. In other words a very tiny number of people. But, it came at a time that the take up of the triple vaccine was under scrutiny.

The film is completely gripping, and has demonstrated to this writer, at least, that something very wrong has been going on.

The documentary shows how since the triple vaccine (MMR) was introduced the rates of autism have sky-rocketed. This condition was almost unknown in the 1930's. Now among African Americans, it could rise to 1 in 2 male children by 2030 if the current trends continue.

The film is a chance for Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who raised the dangers of the MMR vaccine in the first place, to put his case, forcefully. And he has the right to do so, as the documentary asserts there has been fraud at the highest levels in the regulatory body in the USA. this was revealed by a whistle-blower, who happens to be (or have been) the chief scientist at the Centre for Disease Control.

Wakefield points out he was never against vaccination per se, just the triple vaccine. After watching this you may agree, at the very least, he has a point.
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