Pleasant Musical, But Little More
4 March 2017
Pleasant musical, colorfully produced, but with more plot and talk than necessary for a musical. The plot's well worn—the guys and gals want to put on a musical in spite of a couple of killjoys (Bates & Woods). Seems the money needed for the show keeps getting passed around between good guys and not-so-good guys. Anyway, count on Morgan and Carson to get things right. The musical numbers are eye-catching, especially the rope-twirling "Calico", along with tap-dancing whirlwinds the Condo Brothers. I expect one reason for the talk is the large number of featured players, from Morgan to Bates. Each name player has to get enough dialogue to maintain status and pay-rate.

This is still early in the Morgan-Carson pairing, so fans may be disappointed they don't get more shtick. Nonetheless, their chemistry shows promise. And, of course, there's Cuddles Sakall doing his ain't-I-adorable bit, which of course he is. But the real surprise, to me at least, is noir vamp Martha Vickers. None of that here; instead, she shines in a sparkly role I would never have suspected. Too bad she never rose to the level her talent clearly warranted. For those fans of 40's women's big hats, catch Paige's menacing flower combo early on. I'm surprised the actress kept her head.

Anyway, it's an eye-catching 100-minutes, and if not memorable, at least entertaining.
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