Review of Lights Out

Lights Out (II) (2016)
Your run o'the mill scare-jump horror movie.
9 March 2017
No character development, no involving narrative, no suspense build-up, just a poor excuse for a basic plot with a series of scare jumps done a thousand times before - girl walks towards door, something mysterious lurks behind it, will she open it or will she not? She tries to open it, it's locked, so she turns around to leave and THE CREATURE IS RIGHT BEHIND HER! Shocking, not frightening. What is more shocking is all the reviews here giving this mediocre horror movie a gazillion stars. It's disturbing that this is what the horror film genre has come to with an almost complete disregard for building an engaging story that makes sense and involves the viewer emotionally. Even the music, strings shrieking every time the monster shows up, is the same music found in a hundred other movies. I agree with those who said that a clever visual idea first presented in the Lights Out short has been developed into an insipid mush. I stopped the movie an hour and 5 minutes into it, didn't care what happened any more, and the worst thing that can happen to a movie is when it doesn't get you to care about its characters. 6 out of 10.
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