Death of a Salesman (1985 TV Movie)
The Vidiot Reviews...
11 March 2017
Death of a Salesman

The upside to being a salesman in the 1950s was that people would actually open their doors to you.

But even that can't help the pathetic peddler in this drama become a success.

Still on the travelling sales beat despite his age and deteriorating health, Willy (Dustin Hoffman) heads home after a failed business trip to spend time with his concerned wife (Kate Reid) and his sons Biff (John Malkovich) and Happy (Stephen Lang), who are both failures like him.

During their visit, Willy fades in and out of the past, confusing people and divulging secrets on the event that destroyed Biffy's football prospects.

The Golden Globe and Emmy award winning made-for-TV movie of Arthur Miller's lauded play, this rare film adaptation of the Loman family is stacked with solid actors who bring the pathos to this patriarchal performance.

Incidentally, when a salesman does die they retire his bar stool.

Green Light
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