Blair Witch (2016)
18 March 2017
You know, there are some movies, even some type of movies in its entirety, you can only see once in your lifetime. They simply can't be replicated, like the loss of your first tooth. The original Blair witch was one of those events, not even stating it was good or bad. It had me wondering, leaving the theater, if the footage was - actually - real, and I wasn't the only moviegoer in doubt. Let's just say the movie took my virginity. So a remake is doomed to fail for me, I realize that, even if I want that 'feel' back - but not for other moviegoers that will see 'found footage' for the first time, and are in doubt and genuine suspense because of the authenticity. But even there it fails, because of the use of the title. In fact, I would have scored this movie higher if it was an irrelevant project.

The video quality is too crisp, the actors are professionals, the editing is done in a studio, and it all works against itself. The jump scares are unrealistic and out of place. The turning point of my tolerance was the added sound effects upon removing a bandage off of a foot.

It is still way better than Blair witch 2, but I turned the movie off halfway. 3/10 is my fair rating, all things considered.
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