Review of Dead Doll

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Dead Doll (2007)
Season 8, Episode 1
You can't force me to care.
19 March 2017
I don't know if this episode was trying to create the suspense of the amazing two-part "Grave Danger" but it failed on so many levels.

The big part is Sara Sidle being the most uninteresting character and expected me to care if she lived or died. I did not. Honestly if she would have, it would have been a lot more interesting. I haven't seen anything else with Jorja Fox, but if she was meant to play a childish bore, it was pretty spot on. In Grave Danger - Nick gave us something to care about. He had this strength one can only hope for and it was easy to root and feel for him. He has a good heart, showed he's a great friend and CSI, I felt for him. I would have cared if he died.

Big difference between the two from a viewer.

The "Miniture Killer" arc was incredible. Very well written and a great (possible?) nod to "The Doll House Murders", which I had taken a big interest when I was a teen. Needless to say, I found the arc very entertaining. Which is why I didn't like the conclusion at all. Natalie's backstory could have been written a little better, but I'm sure they had to flatten it to watch Sara walk around the desert. Zzz.

No palpable tension and a boring character made for a very irritating conclusion. When it first aired I remember being at my end. With all the very false forensics, questionable liking of many other characters, and horrible police procedures - I felt the testing of my patience was up.

Rewatching it all now, my opinion hasn't wavered in almost 10 years and I guess that says quite a lot.
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