Skeletons (2010)
Good but confusing and highly underplayed.
22 March 2017
"Skeletons" is a very strange little British film--one with a lot to offer but also very confusing and slow. It's a movie you might just want to see twice. David (Ed Gaughan) and Bennett (Andrew Buckley) are two psychic workers who work for some unknown agency or company. They travel about the UK ridding people of the skeletons in their closet--sort of like exorcising unpleasant secrets and angst. However, they come upon a case where their gadgets and skills don't seem to be working. A woman's husband has been missing for years and she spends all her time digging about the property looking for his grave....and the investigators come to try to rid the family of this skeleton. But there is much more to the case and the mute daughter is far more knowledgeable about all this.

This film is almost like a comedy with most of the funny stuff removed. Instead, it comes off as quirky and odd. I really liked Gaughan and Buckley--these paunchy, ordinary looking guys were quite entertaining. But the story itself left me a bit flat...and occasionally confused. You'll figure it all out eventually...but it's a movie that is occasionally a challenge. Worth seeing, perhaps...if you are very patient and don't mind a strange independent film which, at times, seems a bit rudderless.
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