Review of Fist Fight

Fist Fight (2017)
Tries too​ hard to be funny
28 March 2017
This film tells the story of a nice teacher who teaches in an ineffectively run school. He encounters a lot of violent pranks during the last day of school. To top that off, he is fired from work, misses his daughter's talent show and gets challenged to a fist fight.

The story details the very bad day of a teacher, which could be funny. However, the whole experience is too over the top to be believable. I honestly can't believe that students can be allowed to behave irresponsibly and violently. It's basically anarchy, and I can't believe teachers actually stay in this environment to be bullied and physically harmed. It's just not funny.

The only funny scene is the daughter's talent show, but that is a short scene. I think "Fist Fight" goes too far when trying to be funny, and ends up being unfunny.
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