Samos 99 or jerks in Istambul
28 April 2017
Francis Rigaud is a French coarse comedies specialist ,but "Jerk A Istambul "(What a dumb title!) is a different matter : it's a thriller ,with an alarming lack of imagination.The film is decidedly of very little interest (just read the plot).Michel Constantin was par excellence the French cinema tough guy ,but romantic Jean- FRançois Poron (mostly remembered for "La Princesse De Clèves" or"Le Masque De Fer") is miscast .Very beautiful Duperey (20 at the time)is given the part of the damsel in distress,not great material to work with .Pierre Richard who portrays the villain must not be mistaken for the other "Pierre Richard" with whom Duperey co-starred in "Les Malheurs D'Alfred".Lots of beat-ups and bland songs pad out the movie.

Made at a time when people would not travel much ,the movie takes advantage of the scenery: Bosphorus, The Meteors in Greece ,which are the real stars of the flick.Please ,remember the guide .

Moral of this story: put aside your (not so) old grudges ,and hope for the best!And as the woman in black suggests :revenge is a dish best eaten hot!
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