"Lucky's Speech" from WAITING FOR GODOT . . .
4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . has nothing on "Wally's Complaint" here in THE SMART SET-UP. Invited to a Dinner Party at Mar-a-Lago, Wally's surrounded by every Blue-Blooded Swamp Creature Rumpland has to drain. Warner Bros.' clairvoyant prognosticators of our (Then) Far Future use Wally to represent the American Majority of Normal True Blue Loyal Patriotic Average Union Label Working Class Americans who did NOT vote for Putin Party People to murder Granny, Uncle Joe, and the little girl across the street born with an expensive medical condition. Like Today's Real Life American Main-Streamers, Wally has talents and works for his living. He can dance and sing while strumming the guitar. All but one of the people surrounding him in this (then) futuristic mock-up of Mar-a-Lago are lazy, stock coupon-clipping Fat Cat Fraudsters, practicing one or more of Lucifer's interchangeable Three C's (that would be Capitalism, Communism, and Conservatism, all of which involve stealing from the Poor to give to the Rich). The lone exception to The Art of the Steal Takers Mob is "Hillary," purse designer Eunice Rump's butler. Warner clearly telegraphs that Hillary deserves the Common Man's vote, a decade and a half before she's even born! As for the MBA types populating Rumpnatiion, Wally concludes by judging them to be "empty, shallow, and hollow." These are epithets you would expect to rain down upon any Bozo licensing their "name rights" world-wide to build a franchise of Rump Ivory Towers. "Repent," Wally urges America's squeaky wheels, "before you all get greased!"
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