Midsomer Murders: Sauce for the Goose (2005)
Season 8, Episode 7
It's only Sonia
16 May 2017
One of the show's high points has to be Sauce for The Goose, a great plot, fantastic characters, great locations, twists and turns, plus a hugely satisfying conclusion.

Sauce for the Goose comes from what I consider a particular high point in the show's history. It's a storyline that works on every level, the fact that there's only one murder means that the whole episode is focused on two aspects, who killed Dexter Lockwood, and who's trying to make Amelia Plummer go off the rails.

I don't think you'll find many episodes with a stronger set of characters then this one, you have the dysfunctional Plummers, served by the loyal Hardwicks, pursued in business by The Lockwoods. I utterly love the brother and sister pairing of Anselm and Caroline, wonderfully over the top, the pair are ridiculous but humorous.

The trump card has to be Ann Beach, fans of Fresh Fields will recognise 'it's only Sonia,' I think the fact that they named her character Sonia is a heads up to that, she's great in this adding a little sparkle of humour. Geraldine Alexander I think steals the show as wife Helen (as she so often does.) You can't watch this without appreciating just how good an actress Annette Crosbie is, the final scene she appears in is multi layered, she's brilliant.

So much in this one for loyal fans and casual viewers, the don't make 'um like this any more. 9/10
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