$23 I will never get back again
20 May 2017
I once rented a DVD of a horror film called NOAH a few years ago, a horror film because it was really Noah meets Transformers. Today I spent some money, gone, on a CGI waste of time too. I am sorry, but Arthurian legends do not BEGIN WITH HUGE ELEPHANTS. What about Merlin, Round Table, Morgana, Mordred in the proper order. To my mind, the 1981 Excalibur was the best truncation of the many odd and difficult to comprehend legends. Even John Steinbeck took a crack at it as he found the old story so messy. And forget, here, that once there was a shining spot, not to be forgot ...... dreadful. Now, I walked out after 30 min and cannot speak for the rest of it but even the coming attractions were CGI AFTER CGI AFTER CGI AFTER .... OK, Wonder Woman is a must see. But what about story? Knowing who a character IS??? I thought the opening King in the thing was Arthur - no, Uther and if it began in Camelot? Crazy chaos.

Don't bother with this one. Curl up with the 1968 Musical or the HBO version of CAMELOT, find Excalibur or even THE SWORD IN THE STONE.

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