Supergirl: Nevertheless, She Persisted (2017)
Season 2, Episode 22
Fight of the Century
23 May 2017
I've said from the beginning that I'm not and never will be the target audience for this show. However, I've always found there to be at least some enjoyment in tuning in week to week. Season 2 was a massive step up from the first, and tonight only further exemplified that notion.

With Rhea taking her final attack on the city to a personal level, bringing in Superman, Kara was forced to make some extremely difficult choices late in the game. Luckily, the so-called 'fight' with Supes only lasted a matter of minutes and didn't occupy the entire story. Instead, the man and girl of steel took down Rhea together, with the help of Jonn, Mon-El, and even the Luthor sisters. I was thrilled to see the Luthor's not end this season in a typically evil place to end the season, and I think Lena will actually have a series regular role next year, so that was nice to see. Jonn found his love again with M'gonn, who apparently knows several white martians who are willing to sacrifice their life for National City, and even everyone's favorite Cat Grant, played a role in helping Kara in the finale.

The episode felt very much like the writers were trying to pull out all of their big guns for the last episode to end with a bang. It's not that they didn't succeed in that, but I just don't think I ever cared for the person who they were taking on, hence the conflict feeling more minuscule than it should. For a CW show, Teri Hatcher's performance is perfectly fine, but because her presence felt like a third act shot in the dark, it was hard to ever grapple onto something important with Rhea.

With that said, Mon-El sure took the brunt of the pain this week as he was forced to ship off due to the Luthor's Daxamite device killing all those with those genetics. Not sure anyone truly believes he'll be gone more than a few episodes next season, but it's something to certainly test him and Kara's relationship. But please, if he is coming back, let's not take all of season 3 in the same direction they took the romance this season. Either they're together, or they're not. Stop flip flopping.

Overall, this season is enjoyable. While they could have used Superman more (or just better), there's enough here to keep me watching. But I think we can all agree that every DC-CW show, except for Arrow, could use another small overhaul next year.

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