Pollo Milanese
26 May 2017
Seems there's a fine line between quirky psychedelic gialli like this film and Baba Yaga and interminable garbage like Tinto Brass's deadly sweet and Jess Franco's tramp spew Succubus. While not a jaw dropping amazing film, Guilio Questi's Death Laid an Egg won me over due to its bizarre chicken theme.

Marco is part of a company involved in high-tech chicken production somewhere in Italy, along with wife Anna (played by the very pretty Gina Lollobridgia) and his lodger Gabrielle. Marco is having an affair with Gabrielle, and Gina has the hots for Gabrielle, and Marco likes to kill prozzies in a hotel in the EUR (or does he?), plus Gabrielle is having an affair with another guy who works for the chicken company, who also witnessed Marco killing a hooker, plus Gina and Anna want to dress up as hookers to catch Marco.

That's a fair sized giallo plot there, but all this is based around chicken production, chicken promotion, chicken committees, experimental chicken mutations, and chicken artwork. Often characters stand in rooms where a giant laminated egg draws your attention. You also have Cubist chicken paintings, and one scene where a giant chicken looms over the workers like Big Brother.

There is a fairly standard giallo plot in here, but the whole film is weird as hell and while not action packed will carry you to the end in order for you to find out what the hell was going on.

What was all the stuff with the strange runes on the headscarf? Didn't catch that bit...
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