Review of Face to Face

Face to Face (1967)
"Say My Name"
26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's Breaking Bad - The Western! Check this out: A teacher, who feels he hasn't made much of a mark in life, is stricken with a chronic lung condition and heads south to the Mexican border, where he is seduced by a life of crime and the power that comes with it. Being an educated man, he thinks he can outsmart everyone and although it works for a while, his greed and egotistical nature lead to his downfall.

That's Breaking Bad, right? (Err...spoilers for those who haven't watched that). Gian Maria Volonte is the mild mannered teacher. Tomas Milian is his reluctant mentor, a screaming, filth covered bandit who for some reason has the haircut of Dave Hill of Slade. Milian's jaded with the life and doesn't want Volonte involved, but Volonte manages to wangle his way into Milian's gang, as does William Berger, who is a cold-eyed Pinkerton man with his eye on the bounty of all these bandits...

This one doesn't play out so much like your typical Western either. There's plenty of gunfights, the best of which is a botched robbery, but it's all about Volonte and Milian (and to a lesser degree, Berger). You'll either love or hate their shouting, foaming at the mouth way of acting I guess. Berger's a bit more laid back here (although he could act nuts too). Plus there's the usual game of 'hey, wasn't that guy in...' that you can play with the extras.

From what I read this was Sollima's favourite film, and I can see why - it's more philosophical than action packed, and was perhaps a parable on the rise of fascism in Italy? Don't know enough about that myself mind you...
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