Criminal Minds: Spencer (2017)
Season 12, Episode 13
Best Season 12 episode yet
10 June 2017
In its prime (Seasons 1-5, with Season 4 to me being the best and most consistent season with a lot of classic episodes and even the weakest episodes being far from awful) 'Criminal Minds' was one of my favourite shows. From Season 6 it did become hit and miss, with the odd gem, but a lot of average episodes and some stinkers.

Season 12 so far has been an inconsistent season but a long way from a bad one, in fact generally it has been much better than anticipated. Before "Spencer" there were no classic episodes, but most ranged from above average to very good. "Taboo" and particularly "The Anti-Terror Squad" were the only disappointments. "Spencer" is a gem and the best of the season yet.

Not quite flawless. There are a couple of unanswered questions that could have been explained more. The other criticism is that Rossi, usually one of 'Criminal Minds' best characters, seemed out of sorts, not the sassy, hard-talking, old school and sometimes sympathetic character that makes him such a great character, here he instead seemed constantly confused and some parts made him somewhat of an annoying fool.

However, "Spencer" visually looks great. Very well shot and lit and is overall stylish, gritty, classy and atmospheric. The music is moody in the haunting and melancholic sense and fits well, without either enhancing or distracting from it. The direction is alert, tense and accommodating.

The writing has been the best it's been all season so far and pretty much a masterclass (not since Season 11's "Entropy" has the writing impressed so much), so tautly written, thought-provoking, gritty and poignant. Really appreciated the reference to Season 2's "Revelations", one of the highlights of that season with one of the show's best ever unsubs. The team interaction is absolutely brilliant, their concern for Reid being most affecting. Prentiss and JJ are especially good, with some of Paget Brewster and AJ Cook's finest acting on the show. Alvez is settling in nicely and doesn't try too hard to replace Morgan, loved his gentleness towards Reid too, and Walker is not as bland as he was previously.

Absolutely adored the story in "Spencer". Even though Reid's innocence is never doubted, the tension floored me and left me at other times in floods of tears, the only Season 12 episode to make me feel like that to date. The acting is very good, to say that Matthew Gray Gubler is perfection here is not enough.

In conclusion, great episode and the best Season 12 episode yet. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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