Criminal Minds: Assistance Is Futile (2017)
Season 12, Episode 16
'Criminal Minds' and "The Bone Crusher"
11 June 2017
In its prime (Seasons 1-5, with Season 4 to me being the best and most consistent season with a lot of classic episodes and even the weakest episodes being far from awful) 'Criminal Minds' was one of my favourite shows. From Season 6 it did become hit and miss, with the odd gem, but a lot of average episodes and some stinkers.

Of the inconsistent but better than expected, considering the significant changes and the troubled behind-the-scenes, Season 12, "Spencer" is the best episode of the season so far and blew me away (the previous three or four episodes have done a noble job with Reid's story). "Elliot's Pond" and "Mirror Image" were also impressive. Most have ranged from above average to good, with many strengths but also big flaws. The weakest so far were the average "Taboo" and the disappointing "The Anti-Terror Squad". No classics yet, though "Spencer" came close but no low-points that are on the same level as "200", "The Black Queen" or the worst of the mostly underwhelming Season 11.

"Assistance is Futile" is not Season 12 at its weakest, but it also is really not one of the season's best episodes. Feelings were pretty mixed.

The case has its moments, with a few suspenseful parts and the great chemistry between Alvez and Miranda, but it also is not much new, the violence at times is gratuitous and the suspense and tension does not come consistently. Miranda is a far more interesting and complex character than the unsub, who is a pretty derivative one but with less of the creepiness despite their horrific actions.

Walker is still bland with not much of note and Damon Gupton looks bored out of his mind. The pacing sometimes lacks tightness and the team have worked more cohesively before, not enough little character moments. Rossi at the end seemed tacked on.

Reid's story has been great so far, very harrowing, shocking and affecting, and Matthew Gray Gubler's acting has been perfection. While not taking as much prominence before, it is to be appreciated for not feeling dragged out too much or falling into clichés. One of the standout elements of "Assistance is Futile" was the touching scene between him and JJ, one of the few moments in the episode where a team member seemed genuinely concerned.

Visually, the episode looks great as to be expected. Very well shot and lit and is overall stylish, gritty, classy and atmospheric. The music is moody in the haunting and melancholic sense and fits well, without either enhancing or distracting from it. The direction is alert, tense and accommodating.

Some of the writing is thought-provoking with great chemistry between Alvez (who has settled in nicely) and Miranda. The acting is very good, with Tatum O Neal giving a riveting performance.

In conclusion, decent but could have been better. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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