Doctor Who: The Eaters of Light (2017)
Season 10, Episode 10
Rona Munro makes a return to the show.
20 June 2017
The Doctor, Bill and Nardole arrive in ancient Scotland, with one aim, to answer the question, why The Ninth Roman legion vanished. The Doctor and Nardole fall into the hands of the locals, while Bill is given salvation by the Romans. The warring factions have a common enemy, the eaters of light.

I was so excited to see that Rona Munro had been commissioned to write an episode for the new series, having had the dubious honour of writing the last classic serial, Survival.

The location was fantastic, there's something mystical about ancient Scotland, it really did add to the story, creating lots of atmosphere.

The trailers made it appear to be a big action story, I'd say the action is perhaps more limited, we get lots of dialogue, some of it rather good, some parts were a little sentimental. Moffat enjoyed early success under his tenure with the Romans, so it's nice to see them return, Brian Vernel was particularly good as Lucius.

I enjoyed it, had it not been for the appearance of Missy it would have received a six, but again Gomez manages to take it up a notch, is she to be trusted or not she really has been a 'Masterful' addition to the show. I perhaps had expectations set a little too high, but still pretty good, 7/10
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