A bizarre footnote in Rayman and Gaming history
24 June 2017
I was really into Rayman in the 90's. I owned the original 2D game and persevered through its brutal difficulty, and when a fully 3D Rayman 2 was announced, I was bouncing off the walls with excitement. To me, Ubisoft could do no wrong with this guy. They must have felt the same way because they commissioned an animated series that debuted a few months after Rayman 2. I would have pushed an old lady into moving traffic just to watch this - had I known about it. You see, Rayman: The Animated Series had notorious production issues that resulted in its cancellation after a meager 4 episodes with a 5th one floating around half-finished. It aired in a sparse amount of European countries and got a stealth VHS release here in America. Even ignoring the production issues (Betina's English voice changes three times between four episodes - how does that happen?), the simple truth is that what little we did get falls into the dead center of mediocrity.

Rayman TAS commits several of what I consider cardinal adaptation sins, the most egregious being retaining very little of the source material's DNA. Calling this a Rayman cartoon is misleading - there's Rayman himself and a quick appearance by Razorbeard, and that's it. Four of the five protagonists are completely original characters with no ties to the games. The plot has nothing to do with the games, and even the setting is decidedly different. Had the new material exceeded the games, this wouldn't be so much of a problem. It's just incredibly dull.

Intended breakout character Lacmac and his friends Betina, Flips and Cookie are amazing performers in the space circus, but behind closed doors they are enslaved and abused by the ringmaster Rigatoni. Rayman, as a limbless wonder, comes into the picture after he's picked up and displayed by the circus because of his unique anatomy and abilities. Rayman realizes what's going on and helps bust his new friends out of the circus. Rigatoni hires the blundering, dimwitted detective Grub to track them down. They spend the rest of the short series trying to avoid him.

If you're looking for Ly, Globox or Murfy, you won't find them here. The new characters range from boring to annoying. Lacmac is a big dumb sad sack that you're supposed to want to hug. Betina and Flips are completely unremarkable. Cookie is increasingly annoying as he whines about everything all the time. Surprisingy, they actually nailed what I expected from Rayman himself as a cheeky hero. Considering that Rayman didn't actually start talking (beyond Raymanese gibberish in Rayman 2) in the games until Hoodlum Havoc, it's impressive that this show actually translated him in this capacity first. Oddly enough, Razorbeard is a Rigatoni flunky. The vibrant and zany world of the first Rayman game or the darker, alluring atmosphere of its sequel seem to have eluded this effort; what we got was far more generic, like the episode where Rayman and friends decide to secretly help Grub with his disastrous date. This would be like making a Super Mario cartoon and dedicating an entire episode to Mario literally fixing someone's toilet. It's a shame, or a feat, that they took a character/franchise with so much personality and wrapped it in the equivalent of vanilla ice cream on a white paper plate - bland and flavorless. If there's one pro I can list, it's that due to the show's age, there are no rabbids.
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