Loved it even tho it was a bit below expectations
29 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you never watched the weekly 6 season show in the early 90s, you will still enjoy this movie. If you are an avid fan, you may feel a bit let down in what appears to be a halfhearted attempt at bringing the fans closure and justice after the network suddenly and outrageously canceled this well loved show. The script is plot driven, (and the plot is lazy) rather than character driven and this causes a let down much the same way as the Bobby Ewing Returns in the Shower episode of Dallas (for anyone old enough to remember that one). Spoiler Alert: Strangely missing are key characters. I understand that often actors cannot or do not want to reprise roles however, when this happens there should be a plausible explanation as to the character's whereabouts. Hank, sole owner of the Golden Nugget is missing with no explanation even after a rather long and pointless scene in the Gold Nugget. Jake's wife does not appear and no explanation is given. Robert E and Grace, were pregnant when we last left Colorado Springs, about two years prior but there is no reference to the baby although ample opportunities in the script could have been used.Speaking of babies, wasn't Dr. Mike also pregnant as the season ended? Matthew is gone, Colleen is hanging out with The Queen of England (really? Seriously? How is she even out of med school yet? ) There is no sheriff even tho there is a shooting and kidnapping in town. It is almost like the writers never watched the original series which astonishingly always found a way to bring up past events and individual character's behaviors in the series and was amazing at incorporating the same social issues we deal with today but set comfortably in the 1870s. I was glad to see that Joe Lando, even in a horrible wig, still smoldered and was able to emote powerful emotions at the assumed death of their daughter Katie. Using the right amount of barely restrained emotion while clearly feeling his despondency over the death of their child were almost palpable. He even manages to pull off some really horrible dialogue. I've always thought he was such a good actor-on screen anyway, he just dominates any scene-I can't understand why he is not cast in more movies. I truly expected to see him in a Nicholas Sparks movie. Despite Sully's horrible wig and Dr. Mike's overly made up face and eyes and a few other points of continuity and storyline, I would watch it again and highly recommend it. This was such a great series and the movie is worth watching for the same reasons, good clean entertainment, family values, romance, drama; the elements are all there. I just wish the script had allowed for all the characters to stay in town, talk to and about each other and let us live in Colorado Springs one more time.
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