Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004 Video Game)
"Silent Hill 4: The Room"- A stirring and enthralling, but somewhat uneven chapter in the series. Top-notch atmosphere makes up for shortcomings in the game-play.
17 July 2017
Oh, how I love the "Silent Hill" franchise. Or at very least, I love aspects of it... specific chapters and select media spin-offs. I've enjoyed most of the games, got a kick out of the first feature-film despite its flaws and have picked up and very much appreciated some of the products and merchandise the series spawned over time. But, much like any fan of "Silent Hill" will likely tell you, there was a definitive turning point for the overall media franchise that signaled an unfortunate trend. A bit of a specific entry that signified great change- that being 2004's "Silent Hill 4: The Room."

It's a very unique and peculiar game in an equally unique and peculiar series. For some fans, "The Room" signals the first "bad" entry in the "Silent Hill" mythos, and symbolizes an inherent loss in quality that no subsequent game was able able to redeem itself from. For other fans, "The Room" symbolizes the last "good" entry in the series, as it was the final game worked on by the original "Team Silent", whom created the series. And for others still, it's merely a slightly wonky but adequate continuation that signaled a turn towards generally far more flawed, but still mildly enjoyable future games. And I suppose I'm in that camp. I really, genuinely admire "The Room" for what it is, but I can't help but feel that starting with this particular chapter, the series has never subsequently delivered a masterpiece along the lines of the excellent first three games. It very much started a trend in lower-quality releases... but I still love "The Room" for at least trying something new with the series, and for delivering the same horrific and highly atmospheric dread that previous games specialized in.

We follow protagonist Henry Townshend, who awakens one day in his apartment in South Ashfield to discover that his door has been chained and padlocked shut... from the inside. Stuck for days on end with his neighbors seemingly unable to hear his knocks and cries for release, Henry worries he might be losing his mind. Until one day, he finds a mysterious hole in his bathroom wall, seemingly having appeared out of nowhere. He enters, intent on escaping his imprisonment... But the hole only leads to new and nightmarish worlds that he must explore over and over again. As the story progresses, Henry learns the dark secret about what's causing his misfortune, and also grows closer to his beautiful neighbor Eileen, who eventually joins him in his quest...

In terms of concept, I actually do find "Silent Hill 4" to be among the more effective entries in the franchise. Its set-up is quality and promises great terror and intrigue. What would you do if you suddenly couldn't leave your home, and you didn't understand why? It's a great hook to get the player instantly invested, and it keeps you questioning and theorizing throughout the entirety of the game. And the concept of your apartment becoming sort-of a hub world that you must return to constantly really does add a constant sense of paranoia and claustrophobia that lends much tension. In addition, though Henry is a bit more of a blank slate than other series protagonists, I actually didn't mind- it lets your put yourself in his shoes a lot easier, and ask yourself what you'd do in his situation. The other characters are generally likable and compelling, and even though you do spend several hours of game-play accompanying her in "escort missions", Eileen is actually one of my favorite supporting characters across all of "Silent Hill."

And the atmosphere? My god, I actually think "The Room" outdoes the previous two entries in this regard. While the game lacks iconic monsters and perhaps doesn't go as crazy with the visuals as "Silent Hill 2" or "Silent Hill 3"... I actually found this one to be more effective due to its inherent simplicity. It seems to be playing up on the sort-of things that everyone finds terrifying- the unnatural contortion and modification of the human form, the startling "uncanny valley" appearance of things like children's dolls, the idea that after death one might be trapped in a spectral form that's cursed to wander forever aimlessly... it's really chilling and deceptively simple stuff that just hits you to the core.

That all being said, there are some major issues, which is why I think this game is one of the more maligned and divisive across the "Silent Hill" saga. And they all come down to the basic game-play- it's a very uneven affair. The basic controls and whatnot are only mildly tweaked from previous entries... but its the structure of the game and some of the new mechanics that are introduced that really threw me off. For example (and without spoiling anything), certain enemies must be defeated in key specific ways, but it's near impossible to accomplish this without reading a dedicated walk-through. Certain worlds must be completed multiple times, which really feels like unnecessary padding. The game's repeated escort missions suffer for the same reasons that most escort missions fail. And yeah... constantly having to go back to your apartment does get old real quick. It's a very repetitious game with very repetitious game-play, and it throws people off.

Still, I loved this game despite these faults, and I do think its unfairly dismissed all too often. It's an ambitious affair, and it makes quite a few interesting choices. And I'd rather play a bit of an ambitious mess than just another standard retread. I give "Silent Hill 4: The Room" a very good 8 out of 10.
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