Review of Election 2

Election 2 (2006)
Superior to "Election" in every way
25 July 2017
The first "Election" film seems to be Johnnie To's most highly praised movie, which is strange, because I think this less-seen sequel is superior in every way. It has a plot you can actually understand, and a persistent style and tone.

"Election" had key moments apparently happening off camera so you could only deduce what was going on in the plot with super-human concentration. Not so in the sequel. You get the gist pretty easily, and pretty early on: Lok, the elected chairman from the first movie, is approaching the end of his tenure, but is considering breaking Triad tradition and extending his term. Meanwhile Jimmy is trying to set himself up as a legitimate businessman in China and move away from the Triad. He finds that government officials will only work with him if he takes the chair in his Triad.

So the stage is set for crosses, double-crosses and dealings with Triad "uncles" and cold-blooded subordinates.

"Triad Election", also known as "Election 2", is never less than engrossing and captivating. It's one of the best Triad films I've seen.
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