Girls Trip (2017)
Universal Movie Studio's House of Horrors strikes again . . .
1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . with this sequel to its 1954 flick, CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON. Universal has famously provided the World with THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, DRACU1A, FRANKENSTEIN, THE MUMMY, THE INVISIBLE MAN, and THE WOLF MAN, to name just of few offerings from its Pantheon housing the Creature Feature Hall of Fame. Though some folks may quibble with Universal's lame AND inaccurate title for this flick (GIRLS TRIP), and suggest that such seemingly more appropriate and attention-grabbing marquee eye-catchers as either THE PEE MONSTER or CREATURES FROM THE BLACK LAGOON (which would be in the naming tradition of ALIENS following ALIEN), no doubt the Police of Political Correctness nixed such Truth in Labeling. But since this movie shows Black Chicks laughing at geriatric white guy graphic nudity, chortling as they chop up phallic-symbol sausage, forcing grapefruit juice up the openings of erect male urethrae, and projectile peeing on captive audiences of white males, "GIRLS TRIP" seems TOO TAME to accurately denote the demented goings on here. As the Queen Pee, Jada Pinkett Smith proves that she's the perfect casting choice for the role of "Granny Clampett" in TV's upcoming urban reboot of THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES, which will doubtless add an Emmy Trophy to the Gelded Oscar Statuette that's hers for this splashing performance in GIRLS TRIP.
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