Game of Thrones: Stormborn (2017)
Season 7, Episode 2
Great Episode With a Shocking Ending!
2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Stormborn is another great chapter in the Game of Thrones saga; and I can't believe this already marks 2/7ths of the way through the story. I don't want it to end too soon! This show has EASILY been the best thing on air since Breaking Bad finished its run four years ago; and Game of Thrones still delivers amazing out-of-this-world experiences through its AMAZING cast of characters and cinema-esque direction. Stormborn is great. Tyrion is here, Daenerys is here, Jon Snow is still the best 'Snow' who's ever lived; and Littlefinger is STILL a creepy and power-hungry bastard craving The Iron Throne with Sansa by his side.

Ellaria Sand has lost her daughters in this episode, Theon Greyjoy has TRULY lost his balls this time as he lets his Uncle Euron take her hostage after they have a disastrous battle out at sea resulting in both sides suffering heavy losses. This episode ended on a shockingly cruel and bloody note; Theon decided to jump ship and escape Euron leaving him to keep Yara as prisoner. Theon has proved once and for all that he is completely broken. Theon really did lose his old-self when Ramsay tortured him. I hope either Theon or Yara get their revenge and KILL Euron Greyjoy!

Game of Thrones is not hurrying itself, though it is trying its best to kill off our favourite characters one episode at a time. I'm personally worried for Tyrion; is he even gonna make it through Season Eight at this point?!
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