Before I Fall (2017)
I'm too old for this
2 August 2017
First of all let me say I didn't pick this film at random, I really am a sucker for this kind of plot device (i.e. Groundhog Day or more generally the 'change one thing in a chain of events and see how they turn out' premise). The problem is I've seen many good films that have used this in clever ways (Run Lola Run) or even average quality films that have at least managed to keep the suspense going (Butterfly Effect). I've even enjoyed a recent teenagery version of this in game format ("Life is Strange") which I think is the main reason why I thought I'd give this one a go.

Well, it is dull and predictable, not even trying to be subtle (the moral of the story is literally printed in big bold letters on a poster that the camera zooms on around 10 times throughout the film). The acting is meh, cinematography good but uninspired. I think it is exclusively aimed at a teenage audience that hasn't yet been exposed to better movies of this kind. I also can't imagine who else would like the godawful music score (OK, sorry teens, I admit this may be me getting old).

Bottom line: not suitable for over 25s.

And a note regarding films on Netflix (that we don't hear about anywhere else): they suck more often than not.
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